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山东品良机械设备-货架行业良心品牌多年行业经验 支持定制 厂家直销 物美价廉
添加时间:2017-04-21 10:31:32   浏览次数:2080次

许多消费者在购买低价的济南货架之后,经过反复的比较之后不管是外观还是价格方面都感觉自己是占了便宜,而在不久后货架就会出现弯折的现象。Many consumers in the purchase of cheap Ji'nan shelves, after repeated comparison, whether it is the appearance of the price or feel that they are accounted for, and in the near future will appear bent phenomenon.

而其主要的原因就是济南货架厂家在采用了残次的钢材来加工制作的,尽管是厚度尺寸方面都是一样的但是它的承载量是绝对不会一样的,短时间内可能看不出任何弊端,但是时间一久就会状况百出,货架出现弯曲现象严重的还可能会断裂。The main reason is that manufacturers in the Ji'nan shelf using defective steel making, even thickness dimensions are the same but the bearing capacity of it is absolutely not the same, may not see any problems in a short time, but a long time will appear all sorts of problems, the phenomenon of serious bending shelf it may break.

而我们济南货架厂凡是出库的仓储货架,重型货架出厂都是要经过严格的质检的。一个小的环节出错就会给客户带来很大的损失,小的厂家可能配套不足细节处理不好,切割打孔时的尺寸不精准,用户在安装好后便会察觉货架层架是有倾斜度的,在这种情况下的货架高处的货物由于重力作用便会往地处挤压,严重的受力不均可造成货架层板、立柱的断裂。And we Ji'nan shelf factory warehouse storage shelves, heavy shelves are to go through strict quality inspection. A small part of the error will bring great loss to the customer, small manufacturers may lack of supporting details are not handled properly, cutting and boring when the size is not accurate, the user will perceive the shelf shelf there is a gradient in place, shelf height in the case of the goods due to the force of gravity is be located to squeeze, serious stress can be caused by fracture of shelves, column.

角钢在进行高温静电喷涂的时候未进行酸洗,磷化,防锈的工作从而影响的氧化脱落,严重还会影响济南仓储货架的寿命。货架的美观也是一项,货架上面的沙眼,就材料的不严格,这个沙眼不但影响货架的美观,还会影响质量,有些沙眼掉了整体也会跟着减少寿命。The angle steel in the high temperature electrostatic spraying is not acid pickling, phosphating, rust prevention work, thus affecting the oxidation off, seriously affect the life of Ji'nan storage shelf. Shelf is also a beautiful, above the shelf trachoma, on the material is not strict, this not only affects the appearance of the shelf beauty, but also affect the quality, some trachoma out of the whole will also reduce the life expectancy.

而这些问题我们都有相对应的设备来防止这些问题的出现。各位朋友们,你可能还会为买到一批便宜的济南货架心中暗喜但是你知道吗?你买两个质量不好的货架比起你买一个好的货架花的钱还多,您来算下到底是那个更合适呢?These problems we have the corresponding equipment to prevent the emergence of these problems. Dear friends, you may also buy a cheap shelf Ji'nan Anxi heart but you know what? It is more appropriate for you to buy two bad shelves than you can afford to buy a good shelf

我们济南货架厂在生产货架方面有这丰富的工作经验,我们还有高质量的进货渠道。所以才会在短短几年的时间在这个大城市里面做出了一名气,信誉。We have a lot of work experience in the production of shelves in Ji'nan shelf factory, we also have a high quality channel. Therefore, in just a few years time in this big city to make a reputation, reputation.

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